Thursday, May 08, 2003

Yesterday morning he had happy time. Smiling and almost laughing for a good 30 minutes straight. It was wonderful.

I was feeding him late last night in his room, and he was kind of smiley after that, too. I tried my hardest to recenter my world view around him. Instead of focusing on the importance of work, or the neverending distractions I entertain myself with, I tried to center my world around Caden and picture everything in relation to him. I was not able to do this as well as I had hoped. I need more practice, and I was in a marginally uncomfortable position in the chair. Still, it's a good goal to have.

I've also made the discovery that, trite though this may sound, every smile I get is priceless. Every single one makes me the richest man in the world, for just a little bit.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

My shoulder and back have been killing me for almost a week. I think it started when I was holding Caden all crooked.

He wanted to be held over my shoulder, but I wanted to be able to see him. So I twisted myself up for an inordinately long period of time. This, I think, is what has led to my injury. I shall suffer.

My third doctor's appointment was supposed to be yesterday. Yes, they canceled it again. That's zero out of three appointments they've kept. I would look for another shrink, but it was such a hassle getting this one, and he does keep the drugs coming. That's all I need anyway, really. The times I have talked to him haven't brought me any new insight, it's just been me saying, "Yeah, this and this and this," and him saying, "That's because that and that," and me thinking, "Yeah, I know. When will these appointments start to be useful?"

This blog was originally supposed to be about Caden. As soon as he can type, I'll set him up with his own blog. That should be interesting.

I'm getting my first tests scheduled for this coming Friday. Two should be fairly simple, and those are the ones I'm taking. The other two I'm going to have to crack books for. It's the kind of thing where if I was sitting down building a network, I could do it no problem. But they ask you stupid questions like, "What's on this applet, this tab, this button, this checkbox? What does that do?" Well shit, if I could just look at the system, I would know. I can't think of a situation where I would need to know that without having access to a system I could check it on.