Friday, June 27, 2003

Today I am in Mequon Wisconsin. Came up here with Frank.

The issue I proved before has been fixed. They changed long distance carriers, and the weird echo went away. Must have had something to do with how the telco handed off to the LD carrier - but whatever.

Frank is working on the phone system, and I am here to look pretty. Damn, I look pretty.

The thing that really torques me off is that I can't get on AIM because AIM traffic is blocked by the firewall here. Lame. But the thing that really totally torques me off is that I can't even get the Java AIM client on the web to work. Completely lame.

So anyway, now I'm going to help the office manager here move from one office to another. I just moved her phone and made sure the network port was live. Next to the computer.

It looks like it'll be a short day, I think. Sadly, I have to drop Frank back off at the office, so I might have to actually go back in there. Or not.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Haven't checked in for a little while, so here I am.

Caden has started "gooing." When I say this, what I mean is that he is speaking in full sentences, all the words of which are "goo" or "gooo" or "goooo" or sometimes "boo." He does this for fifteen minutes at a time, and there is no possible way to pay attention to anything else while he's doing it. It's amazing to see that he has control over his voice and chooses to use it to communicate with me and Bridget.

My MCSE class is almost over. Thursday is the last one. I still have five tests to take, and I was kind of planning to take one this Friday, but I am required to go to Milwaukee for no reason. They're having an issue with the phones in their office there, and last I was there I proved that the issue was with the phone company. But the phone company guy who came out was a complete moron and chose not to understand what I was explaining to him. So Friday me and Frank, a consultant, are going up to lay smack down. At least I'll get paid mileage and the company is damn well going to buy my lunch. I may get back home earlier than I normally would anyway.

Mike Hentschel is in town this week. Bridget ran into him at a wedding, and he came over Monday night to hang out and stay with us for the night. He drank one of those Sparks drinks, so I only have two left. He's talking about getting a job with USAID and going overseas for a while. It's weird what people end up doing without even thinking too hard about it. He realized recently that he has ten years' experience in law enforcement. He's been a kind of parole officer for a long time. Who knew?