Monday, July 21, 2003

Saturday was not a good day.

Caden had his poop the night before, so I was expecting him to be in good spirits. He wasn't. Here's how it went instead. Hour long screaming fit, sleep for fifteen minutes, hour long screaming fit, sleep for fifteen minutes, etc. I got mad. I yelled and threw stuff and punched the wall once hard enough that my knuckles are still a bit tender this morning. There were a couple of times in between the screaming fits where he'd be happy and smiling for about 80 seconds.

He didn't sleep much all day, and finally went down for a long time at 9 PM. I'm sure he was overtired, and that was what was making him grouchy, but he refused to sleep. Oh yeah, I got my teeth cleaned and had a headache most of the day because I hadn't had any coffee. I finally had coffee at about 7 PM, and things started to settle down then, too.

I pulled all the video off of the camera overnight last night. I'm going to assemble it into a montage and send it to my mom in Florida. I'm glad I finally get a chance to play with Windows Movie Maker. I'm not sure yet whether I should try and create a video file on CD, or pump it back out to the camera and then to videotape. Or maybe both. We need to buy a new VCR, since ours is all sucky.